
The “Black Dog Mountaineering Club” was formed to promote all types of mountaineering activities i.e. climbing, hillwalking, cross-country ski-ing and low level walking. In the pursuit of these activities the Black Dog Mountaineering Club will encourage, help and advise any members or future members who wish to take part.

The club is also affiliated to Mountaineering Scotland which gives access to; subsidised mountain skills courses, mountaineering activities liability insurance cover, and a quarterly magazine. See here for more details Mountaineering Scotland

The club charges a small joining fee that is set each year at the AGM, which includes the Mountaineering Scotland membership fee.

The club meets are loosely based on areas of the country rather than at a specific mountain. Attendees of the meets decide which hills they want to climb in that area.  This generally leads to a wide variety of options on hills that are climbed. See link above to this year's meet list.

The club would like to hear from anyone who is interested in the above activities and would like to welcome them along to a couple of meets as an introduction to the club. Please contact the committee members using the message box below.

All persons aged 14 years and over shall be eligible for membership but members under 18 years of age must always be accompanied by a parent or guardian when taking part in club events.

"Climbing, hill walking and mountaineering are activities with a

danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities

should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible

for their own actions and involvement."

Committee Members 

Committee members are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.

  • President: Valerie Inglis

  • Secretary: Tony Smith

  • Treasurer: Rachel Yeats


The club was formed by a group of friends living in the Montrose and Angus area who found themselves getting together regularly to go to the hills. One evening over a small shandy in a boozer in some far-flung corner of Scotland the idea was planted to form a club. But what to call ourselves? - Well that was for a later day.

On several of these forays up north guitars seem to be appearing more and more as part of the evening's proceedings (the word "entertainment" here would have been stretching things).  Anyway by the end of the evening the name "The Black Dog" had been muted after the Led Zeppelin track which had been played during the course of the evening. The track is the opening number on the Led Zeppelin IV album (Runes album). Some months later a meeting of half a dozen or so people managed to get the whole thing to fly…………

After the inaugural meeting held on 10th January 2002 the first meet was scheduled for Braemar. After poor weather (snow drifts) the meet ended up being moved to Ben Challum at Crianlarich. Near enough I suppose.  So a good start to the club's programme. But rather than crash and burn the club has gone on and at the last count has over 20 active members

Since this time the club has had a full calendar meet list throughout the year. The meet list for this year (and previous years) can be found at the links above.

Weekend meets are usually based on hostel type accommodation to try and keep cost to a minimum. Sometimes a hotel may be used but this is rare. 

The club contains a number of "compleatists"; Munros, Corbetts, Grahams and Marilyns. There is even some rock and ice climbing carried out on the odd occasion.